In Memoriam: Dato’ Yeoh Choo Hock
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Dato’ Yeoh Choo Hock, a towering figure in the…
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Dato’ Yeoh Choo Hock, a towering figure in the…
Dato’ Seri Lee Tian Hock, President of the Malaysia Basketball Association (MABA), has officially submitted a formal application to FIBA,…
Mies, Switzerland – October 10, 2024 The President of the Malaysia Basketball Association (MABA), Dato’ Seri Lee Tian Hock, alongside…
At the request of President Dato’ Seri Lee Tian Hock, the legacy of Malaysian women’s basketball legend Annie Goh has…
Dato’ Seri Lee Tian Hock, President of the Malaysia Basketball Association (MABA), will lead a delegation tonight to the FIBA…
(高雄22日訊)馬來西亞男女籃球代表隊在總團长拿汀斯里楊翠蓮的率領下飛赴台灣高雄,參加一年一度的知名籃球盛事佛光盃大學籃球邀請賽。 拿汀斯里楊翠蓮不僅是大馬男女代表隊總團长,她還擔任國際佛光會中馬協會會長。代表團除了由男、女籃教練團隊和球員組成,還包括中區輔導法師如行法師、大馬籃總副會長拿督李銀芳夫婦、大馬籃總發展管理委員會主席暨國家隊執行總監林兆興夫婦、拿督葉理國夫婦、行政人員和媒體,共計65人。 在年齡限制在25歲以下的賽制下,馬來西亞今年派出了平均年齡僅22歲的年輕好手參賽。其中,身高超過200公分的Dhayalan G Vadivelavan(林迪倫)曾是桃園光啟高中一員,結束HBL生涯後再次來台參賽。其他隊員如邱佳豪、高人一等的208公分中鋒尚文(Sharwhin A/L Siva Ragu)、腳步及對抗性都相當出色的李訓聞等人,都是主力球員,連續第二年參賽。 在女子籃球隊員方面,去年馬來西亞女籃是以10分之差,在第7-8名排名戰中力挫菲律賓德拉薩大學,拿下第七名。小組賽時,她們也曾以小搏大,令人驚豔地擊退紐西蘭代表隊,表現相當出色。今年馬來西亞女籃陣中也有不少人是第二年征戰佛光盃。人氣相當高的陳心潔裡外兼具,進攻手段多元,去年場均能貢獻12分,是陣中重要的得分主力。 這次的大馬男女籃出團經費,均由總團長拿汀斯裡楊翠蓮資助。而其夫婿,馬來西亞籃球總會總會長拿督斯里李典和,自兩年前執掌大馬籃壇以來積極推動全方位改革,通過專業化的訓練和持續派隊出國參賽積累經驗,期望各年齡層的國家代表隊能在未來斬獲佳績,為馬來西亞爭光。
Are you ready to take your basketball coaching skills to the next level? Join our MABA Basketball Coaching Course and…
After winning the 2022 FIBA Asia U18 Championship for Women Division B in September 2022, the Malaysia U18 Women’s team…
Our president, Dato’ Seri Lee Tian Hock, visited Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Ir. Chan Ah Chye in February last year…
As the U18 National Selection Team makes its maiden participation in the U20 D-League National Tournament, they have chosen competitive…